Working with APIs: Obtaining Information from Other Databases

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the tools which enable the developers to communicate with other services and get the data or perform some operation without knowing the code of the service being used. When it comes to web development, APIs are crucial for making use of the functionalities of other services, retrieve information from other servers or create applications with rich, real-time features.

To fetch data from APIs we need to make HTTP request to a particular URL, get the response and then parse the data and show it on your webpage. This is a crucial process in today’s web applications as it provides the base for sharing on social networks, receiving real time weather information and much more.

What is an API?

API is a define set of interfaces and protocols that enable interaction between two or more software applications. As for the term API, when speaking about web development, it mainly implies web APIs, which can be accessed via HTTP requests.

RESTful APIs: REST is one of the most common approaches to the creation of web services that are based on the architectural style. REST APIs are stateless and this implies that every request made by the client to the server must contain all the information that is required and most of the data returned by the server is in JSON format.
GraphQL APIs: GraphQL is a type of API query language where clients can ask for specific data they want, and therefore it is much more efficient than the traditional REST API.
SOAP APIs: SOAP- Simple Object Access Protocol is a protocol that is used in the exchange of structured messages in the integration of web services. SOAP APIs are not very popular in the current web development as compared to RESTful APIs.

Ways on How to Retrieve Information from an APItains Information from an API

Fetching data from an API typically involves the following steps:Fetching data from an API typically involves the following steps:

1. Identify the API Endpoint: API endpoint can be defined as the URL through which the API is served and to which the HTTP requests are made.

2. Send an HTTP Request: To make the request the API you can use `fetch()`, `XMLHttpRequest` or a library like Axios.

3. Process the Response: The API sends a response back to the request, it can be in JSON format and you are able to use this response in your application.

4. Handle Errors: It is important to deal with any exceptions that may be encountered during the API request, for instance, network problems or incorrect response.

5. Display the Data: Use this data to update your website or your mobile app with fresh and updated information.

Example: The Fetch API as a Method of Retrieving Data

The `fetch()` is a new form of making AJAX requests in JS, more modern than the XMLHttpRequest. It gives a promise that when it is fulfilled it gives the `Response` object which represent the response to the request.

Basic Example
Here’s a simple example of using the `fetch()` API to retrieve data from a public API:Here’s a simple example of using the `fetch()` API to retrieve data from a public API:

<! DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″>
<meta name=”viewport” content=“width=device-width, initial-scale=1. 0”.
<title>Fetch API Example</title>
<h1>Random User</h1>
<button id=”fetchUser”>Fetch User</button>
<div id=”userInfo”></div>

document. getElementById(‘fetchUser’). addEventListener(‘click’, function() {
fetch(‘https://randomuser. me/api/’)
. then(response => {
if (!response. ok) {
if the network response is not ok then we should throw an error with the message ‘Network response was not ok’.
return response. json();
. then(data => {
const user = data. results[0];
document. getElementById(‘userInfo’). innerHTML = `
<p>Name: First Name: ${user. name. first} Last Name: ${user. name. last</p
<p>Email: ${user. email}</p>
Below is the picture of the user:
. catch(error => console. error(‘There was a problem with the fetch operation:>’, error.

In this example the `fetchUser` button makes a fetch request to the Random User API and gets a response in JSON format of a random user. The data is then written into the ‘userInfo’ div.

Making POST Requests
In addition to GET request which is utilized to fetch data, there is POST request which allows the sending of data to an API. Here’s how to send a POST request using `fetch()`:Here’s how to send a POST request using `fetch()`:

fetch(‘https://api. example. com/data’, {
method: ‘POST’,
headers: {
‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’
body: JSON. stringify({
name: ‘John Doe’,
email: ‘john. doe@example. com’
. then(response => response. json())
. then(data => {
console. log(‘Success:’, data);
. catch(error => {
console. error(‘Error:’, error);

Here, a new resource is created on the server by sending a POST request with a JSON payload is given below.

Handling Errors and Exceptions

It is very important to deal with the errors and exceptions which may occur during the request of APIs. Some of the problems may be related to the network, wrong API URL or there may be errors from the server.

Example of handling errors:

fetch(‘https://api. example. com/data’)
. then(response => {
if (!response. ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response. status}=<
return response. json();
. then(data => {
console. log(‘Data:’, data);
. catch(error => {
console. error(‘Fetch error:’, error);

This code is used to check whether or not the status of the response is OK i.e. status code is 200; if not then it will throw an error.

Working with API Authentication

There are many APIs that contain an authentication mechanism to check if the user is legitimate to fetch the data. This is usually done with the help of API keys, OAuth tokens or any other tokenization that is used.

Example with an API key:Example with an API key:

fetch(‘https://api. example. com/data’, {
headers: {
‘Authorization’: ‘Bearer YOUR_API_KEY’
. then(response => response. json())
. then(data => {
console. log(‘Data:’, data);
. catch(error => {
console. error(‘Error:’, error);

Here the API key is passed in the header of a request for the purpose of securing the API.

API Requests through Libraries

While the `fetch()` API is powerful and flexible, you can also use libraries like Axios, which provide additional features and simplify certain tasks:While the `fetch()` API is powerful and flexible, you can also use libraries like Axios, which provide additional features and simplify certain tasks:

Example using Axios:

axios. get(‘https://api. example. com/data’)
. then(response => {
console. log(‘Data:’, response. data);
. catch(error => {
console. error(‘Error:’, error);

Axios does JSON data parsing, works well with old browsers and makes error handling and configuration of the request easier.


APIs are very important in today’s web development since they enable the inclusion of data from other sources in your application. Learning how to make API requests will help you in creating applications such as a weather app, displaying social media feeds or even retrieving user info thus creating better and real-time web applications. Knowing how to request data over HTTP, how to receive the response, how to deal with errors and, how to authenticate your API requests will enable you to create great web experiences.

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